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The Top Of The Mountain



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The first real snow of the season blanketed the town this past Saturday, leaving us much more in the holiday spirit - as did the concerts by the Connecticut Choral Society on Friday evening and by the Newtown Choral Society on Sunday afternoon. The display case outside of the Children's Department at C.H. Booth Library features a collection of menorahs, as well. Stop by during library hours to check out this display, on loan from the The Greater Newtown-Danbury chapter of Hadassah. Happy Hanukkah to all who began celebrations this week!newtownbee.com.grace.scinto@cancer.org, or visit relayforlife.org/newtownct for more information.theenoughcampaign.com/signup.html to be a part of the 12 Days of Action event and get 12 special alerts, which started 12/14 and end 12/25. The action alerts will also be posted on facebook.com/TheEnoughCampaign and on Twitter @EnoughCampaign1. The Enough Campaign advocates for more public awareness on the issues of gun violence prevention in America, through legislative advocacy and community education, and is a member of the Newtown Action Alliance.

Mark your calendars, as well, for the Community Menorah Lighting scheduled for next Tuesday, December 19, at Congregation Adath Israel. All are invited to the 115 Huntingtown Road synagogue for the outdoor celebration at 6 pm - as well as latkes, jelly doughnuts, and hot cider served indoors.

Margaret Zielinski reports that while she has seen bears and bobcats and foxes on her Philo Curtis Road property, "last Saturday's snowfall brought a rare black squirrel to my attention. He was at my bird feeder Sunday." This is only the second black squirrel Margaret has spotted in 66 years.

The C.H. Booth Library staff and a certain Newtown Bee Associate Editor's sister are keeping the staff here in fine fettle - with gifts of delectable holiday cookies. Many, many thanks to both of them, as we dunk the treats and drink our morning coffees.

Lee Paulsen is still catching her breath following Thanksgiving, when so many people, groups, and organizations stepped up to help FAITH Food Pantry put food on the table of some of the town's residents in time for that big holiday. Lee called the office this week, and mentioned there was one person she really wanted to recognize, and that was the gentleman who donated 50 fresh turkeys to the food pantry. "He didn't leave his name, and I don't know how to otherwise thank him for what he did," said Lee, who serves as president of the nonecumenical food pantry. "But he was definitely a Good Egg to do this for us, and for so many others." I agree, and am happy to bestow the Good Egg Award on this anonymous donor.

Steven McCullum, one of the Hawley School students participating in this year's Citizenship Community Project - which we hear every fourth grader at the Church Hill Road school undertakes - is well on his way to a successful project. Steven decided to collect food, toys, blankets, leashes, and other accessories for dogs and cats, all to then be donated to Newtown's Animal Control Center. The public is invited to drop off any of those items at Julie Allen Bridals, where Steven's mom works, any time the 154 South Main Street bridal boutique is open (Tuesday through Saturday). Rumor has it one carload of donations has already been delivered to the animal control center. Steven is hoping to send at least one more full vehicle of goodies to animals waiting to be rescued before his collection closes on December 22.

Speaking of collections, you are welcome to drop off donations for the FAITH Food Pantry at the 5 Church Hill Road office of The Newtown Bee, anytime Monday through Friday, between 8 am and 5 pm. You'll find updated info on the most needed items in the FAITH online ad at

Donations are needed all year around, but especially so during the holiday season. Also, thank you to all who have dropped off toys in our Toys For Tots donation box just inside the front door. That campaign ends this Friday, December 15, and we know your contributions mean a happy holiday for less fortunate children in the area.

My paws are crossed for the rare Amur tiger cubs born November 25 at Bridgeport's Beardsley Zoo. Two female kittens, out of four born that day to 10-year-old Changbai, the mother, have survived. Due to mama's indifference, the kittens are being hand fed by zookeepers, which is a real challenge, and kept safe and warm in seclusion in the zoo hospital.

If you want to see for yourself why the Newtown Forest Association wants to buy and preserve a portion of Cherry Grove Farm, make a little time for a guided property walk (departing from the farmhouse at the intersection of Palestine, Hundred Acres, and Platts Hill Roads) at 1 pm, on Saturday, December 16.

The Relay For Life returns to the grounds of Newtown High School in June - but planning for the huge campaign starts soon. If you are interested in participating to bring this event to fruition, a Community Interest Meeting will take place, Monday, December 18, at NYA Sports & Fitness Center, 4 Primrose Street at Fairfield Hills. Find out more about Relay For Life, and how to volunteer. If you can't make the meeting, call 203-563-1520 or contact

Although it began this Thursday, December 14, the Enough Campaign has embarked on a 12-day action event commemorating gun violence awareness and prevention, and you can still take part. Participants will receive one action item a day. Actions include registering to vote, supporting gun violence prevention and public health research, performing acts of kindness, volunteering for or donating to local organizations that support opportunity for youth, supporting domestic violence awareness, and more. Sign up at

A reminder this week that New England New Music Ensemble (NENME) will be performing a concert to support Newtown Congregational Church's Hospitality Hall, Friday, December 22. The ensemble says it plans to perform "a very special holiday concert" featuring audience favorite selections from the past five years of concerts along with some brand-new pieces. The concert will begin at 7 pm at the church, at 14 West Street. In lieu of an admission fee, the musicians are asking that guests bring with them a nonperishable food donation, toiletry items, or cleaning supplies. NCC's Hospitality Hall is located within the church's lower entrance, and is open to anyone in Newtown and neighboring communities.

They're out there: Santa and reindeer outfits for cats. No. That's all I have to say about it.

What I do not say "No" to, though, is NOsing out the news. Be sure next week to... Read me again.

Library Director Brenda McKinley and Bee office manager Sherri Baggett share a Good Egg Award this week.
A black squirrel visited the yard of Margaret Zielinski last weekend, the first one she has spotted in 66 years.
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