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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

The Top Of The Mountain



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Two regional theater productions either open or continue this weekend, and Newtown residents are featured in both. Sabrina's Encore Productions is staging four performances of Miss Saigon at Klein Memorial Auditorium in Bridgeport, July 26-28. The love story has a cast of thirty young adults, most of whom are Newtown residents, many of whom were part of the spring production of Les Miserables at Newtown High School. Performances continue at 8 pm each night, and also 2 pm Saturday. Call 800-424-0160 extension 2 or visit theklein.org for tickets and additional information.continue its 34th season with a production of Annie, and within that cast are Newtown residents Michael Wright as President Roosevelt and Abigail Rivas as one of Annie's fellow orphans. That show opens this weekend, on July 27, and will continue Friday through Sunday evenings until August 11; tickets are $25 adults, $20 seniors and students, $15 ages 10 and under. Discounted Thursday evening shows are scheduled for August 2 and 9, with tickets $20, $15, and $10, respectively. Call 203-748-6873 or visit musicalsatrichter.org for additional details and reservations; Newtown Bee Theater Reviewer Elizabeth Young will have a review of the show in next week's paper.Suddenly Last Summer. Newtown Bee Theater Reviewer Elizabeth Young attended a performance last weekend and said in her review that another strong production is coming out of The Little Theatre. Tickets and additional information are available at 203-270-9144 or newtownplayers.org.The Newtown Bee had some new artwork to display, thanks to the artistic talents of 10-year-old Brooke Remson, who spent some time at our office this week. Pigs, fish, turtles, dragonflies, dogs - none were beyond the skills of this budding graphic artist, and it is always so nice to have new decorations to brighten up the day.ct.audubon.org, I have found tips for planting the kinds of flowers that attract these lightning swift little birds - and even if it is too late to do so this summer, I'm keeping the list in mind for next spring. Audubon suggests wild columbine, butterfly milkweed, turtlehead, purple coneflower, blazing star, Canada lily, cardinal flower, trumpet honeysuckle, bee balm, and woodland phlox as most likely to attract hummingbirds. (Not only that, think of the beautiful color you'll enjoy from all these blooming flowers.)

In Danbury, Musicals at Richter will

Meanwhile, Town Players of Newtown continue their season with the second weekend of performances of

Paul, the "Can Man" of Sandy Hook, has a number of folks he thinks deserve to be Good Eggs. "On Tuesday the 17th, it was very oppressive," Paul tells us, "and I was taking a load of cans to the Big Y when the heat began to overcome me near the Holy Cow Ice Cream. Two different ladies noticed my distress and called the police. One of them even slipped me $20. I made it to the Newtown Savings Bank headquarters, whereupon the officers called EMS." Paul was quickly transported to Danbury Hospital, and he is now feeling much better. "I would like to nominate the ladies, the officers, and the [NSB] manager Ryan Storms, who let met keep my bike and cans there, for Good Eggs," declares Paul. Best of all, upon his release from the hospital, "the cans were still there, so all's well." Ladies and gentlemen, you are truly Good Eggs.

The Connecticut Department of Agriculture announced last week that its Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) is "in full swing at more than 100 farmers' markets in Connecticut." Guess what? The Newtown Farmers Market at Fairfield Hills is among those markets authorized to accept the FMNP checks. The FMNP program provides income-eligible individuals with checks to purchase fresh Connecticut Grown produce and cut herbs directly from farmers at FMNP authorized farmers' markets from July 1 to October 31, so even those on limited incomes can enjoy the benefits of fresh, locally grown produce.

I see the March For Our Lives "Road To Change Tour" is halfway through its travels this summer. The group, made up of survivors of the Valentine's Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., has traveled to 15 different states and 43 cities, including Aurora, Las Vegas, and the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. "Everywhere we go, we meet other young people demanding change," says Sofie in a recent post. One of the important messages they are carrying to the communities they visit (including Newtown, in August), along with an emphasis on ending gun violence, is to register to vote - especially the young people.

It's Happy Birthday to the Bushnell Park Carousel in Hartford, and if you want to be part of the 104th birthday celebration in the capital city, mark Saturday, August 25, on your calendar. People of all ages are invited to the birthday party featuring family entertainment, birthday cake, and free rides all day. The event will take place from 11 am to 5 pm at the Carousel's pavilion in downtown Hartford's Bushnell Park, 1 Jewell Street.

Staff at

This is the time of year when hummingbirds are abuzz, and watching them is, of course, one of my favorite pastimes. At

Lunar eclipse alert! Oh... just kidding. There will be a full moon lunar eclipse this Friday, July 27, but it will not be visible in North America. The "blood moon" eclipse is also going to be nearly half an hour longer than the one in January. Australians, Africans, Asians, Europeans, and South Americans will all get a good long look as the moon travels through Earth's shadow; so maybe it's not too late for last minute travel plans? (North Americans get their next gander at a lunar eclipse in January 2019.)

I'm not kidding when I tell you that there'll be no eclipse in news gathering. Be sure next week to... Read me again.

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