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It was a sad day at The Newtown Bee last Thursday, when longtime copyeditor Janis Gibson put her final flourish on articles for the paper. Janis, who also served as a copyeditor for the Antiques & The Arts Weekly, is ready to enjoy retirement. Bee staff members will miss her insights and sense of humor, as well as her infinite patience as she dealt with the quirks of so many writers. We wish her only the best as she moves forward in that new phase of life.the P&R/Senior Center promThere sure were a lot of pretty people around town last Friday evening - and all of them seniors. There were senior citizens dressed in finery for Newtown Bee office dog Piper Baggett had an enjoyable start to her work week on Monday, when she was treated to a Pup Cup from Ferris Acres Creamery. She licked it up faster than I could type this note!The Newtown Bee for updates on when and where as summer progresses- all singers are welcome to join.)stephanie@resiliencycenterofnewtown.org. her and husband Chane's photo exhibit at the Municipal Center yet? Get thee hither!) had a foxy visitor to her Founder's Lane property. "About 8:30 Sunday morning my husband, Chane, put out the daily allotment of birdseed on the deck and called our guests with his usual tapping of the empty plastic cup on the railing," Rhonda tells us. "The birds, and of course the squirrels, too, all came rushing in for their feast at that point. I was upstairs, and shortly after hearing the call to breakfast, I opened the blinds to see if the cardinals were the first to arrive again and who else we might have. In addition to the regulars, I was very surprised to see another visitor heading quickly for the deck, as well," she says. It was a fox! "I ran for my camera. When I got back to my upstairs vantage point, I spotted the fox coming up our deck stairs. I opened the window to take a photo, but when he heard the noise, he took off running... I thought he was going to go back into the woods, but instead he went just a short way from the deck, turned, and looked at me. With my camera in hand, I started clicking away. He looked at me, tilted his head, then looked straight at me again and seemed to smile. (I sure wish that all the people I try to photograph were so cooperative!) After taking several photos of him, he must have heard or seen something. His ears perked, his head shot around and then he took off running toward the front yard. Chane opened the front door to see him run up the street, at which time, our Kitty slipped out the front door too. Luckily, the visitor had left the yard, but I scooped Kitty back up anyway and brought her inside just in case he decided to return!" That's an exciting way to start the week!SVHVF Ladies Auxiliary Mother's Day Flower Sale.the recent Way We Were photo depicting a large group gathered on the steps of Edmond Town Hall. It looks like a group of realtors, they said, with a lot of familiar faces of folks who were realtors years ago. Margot and Bob recognized Joseph Chase, who is holding paper with First Selectman Jack Rosenthal (Joe used to own the former Chase Building, now home to Dere Street Restaurant); Melissa Pilchard (few from the left, with bow tie/scarf); Sally Chase (directly behind Melissa); John Klopfenstein (on right, hands in pocket); Bob McCulloch (right of Jack Rosenthal); Jean Muraskin (sunglasses, to left of Joseph Chase); and Bob believes Lee Glover is in the far back in front of the door. We appreciate the update from Bob and Margot!

Even while we say goodbye to Janis, we are pleased to welcome Steph Myers to the staff. Steph will be making sure we dot every "i" and cross every "t." We certainly hope she'll find her work here rewarding and interesting.

, and NHS seniors celebrating their prom night. Be sure to check out the photos elsewhere in this issue of the paper.

Hear some of our local middle school musicians on Friday, May 18, when Reed Intermediate School students Gavin Johnson, Mackenzie Roszman, Morgan Harrison, Jake Beckley, Alexander Dzamko, and Oliver Pategas will join Westport Community Band in a concert, at 8 pm, in the auditorium of Bedford Middle School, 88 North Avenue in Westport. Admission to the concert is free and open to the public. The students and the Community Band will share the stage with each group playing selections alone, as well as a combined band.

A larger number than usual of soloists and small groups from Newtown Choral Society entertained the audience at Sunday's spring concert. The local crooners sang to a full house, and the program - "The British Invasion" - featured so many familiar tunes of the 1960s to the 1980s, that audience members could not stop themselves from singing along at times. Hope you were among those at this most enjoyable concert. (Rehearsals for the winter concert start in September; check

It's spring cleaning time, and the Resiliency Center of Newtown is in a bind. They are in need of a new vacuum. Anyone able to help is asked to call 203-364-9750 or send a note to

Professional photographer Rhonda Cullens (What? You haven't seen

There is still time to get that perfect gift for mom, and you only have to travel within our borders to any of our small businesses. Not to mention, if you know a mother who loves flowers, hurry down to the Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue station, 18-20 Riverside Road, this Friday and Saturday, from 10 am to 6 pm, for the annual

Don't forget to fill a bag with items for the Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive and hang it on your mailbox this Saturday morning. Volunteers will drive by and scoop it up for delivery to the town Social Services food pantry, beginning about 10 am. Nonperishable food items (check the expiration dates, please) as well as toiletries, pet and baby foods, and paper goods are welcome donations.

The maned wolf pups at Beardsley Zoo in Bridgeport no longer have to be Pup One, Two, and Three. A Facebook poll by the zoo resulted in participants voting for the names Goncalo for the male, and Guapa and Sabana for the girls.

Thanks to Margot and Bob Hall, we have a little insight into

For the early birds who grab our paper hot off the press on Thursday afternoon - Senator Tony Hwang will be joining State Reps Mitch Bolinsky, Will Duff, and JP Sredzinski at the CH Booth Library TONIGHT, from 6 to 7:30 pm. Residents are welcome to bring their questions and observations to share with the legislators.

The DEEP notes fire danger level only at moderate this week, but please be cautious when doing any outdoor burning. The DEEP reminds all, as well, that even local permits to burn brush anywhere near a grassland or woods are not valid when forest fire danger leaps to high, very high, or extreme. You know what Smokey says...

There's no danger in this, but I'm on fire to get next week's news, so be sure to... Read me again.

A fox posed prettily for Rhonda Cullens this past Sunday, while visiting the Cullens' yard.
Bee dog Piper enjoys her first Creamery Pup Cup of the season this week.
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