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Some Ideas To Save The Flagpole



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To The Editor:

When my wife and I were looking for a new home, it was Newtown’s stunning flagpole intersection that sparked our love affair with the town. There is something so powerful about it, the strength and values “for which it stands” being very comforting. I think many who live here, and many who don’t, may feel similarly. So, although its location causes trouble for motorists, I think it should be preserved in place, if at all possible. Here are some ideas to that end:

1) Construct an attractive circular median around the flagpole, with a clearly marked outer edge. It would be high enough to keep motorists from driving over it, but low enough to not cause anything more than simple wheel damage if one were to cut it too close. Motorists would slow down as they maneuver around it, keeping traffic flow more measured, and reducing impacts with the pole.

2) Reconfigure the uphill approach lane of Church Hill Road to two lanes: a left lane for driving straight across to West Street or making a left onto Main Street, and a right lane for right turns onto Main Street. This two-lane configuration would simply make “official” what already occurs there when traffic gets heavy.

3) Redefine Main Street in front of the Meeting House to have two lanes: a left lane for motorists making a left turn onto Church Hill Road, and a right lane for going straight, or for making a right turn onto West Street. I believe many accidents occur simply because what is allowed and/or anticipated in this location is not clear.

4) Mount a handsome flashing yellow light on the north and south sides of the flagpole to alert motorists to the extra attention required at the intersection – this reaction would be automatic. Drivers do slow down at flashing yellows.

5) Position a policeman, or other trained uniformed official, to the intersection at critical traffic hours to direct the flow of traffic. I would imagine there are plenty of willing and able individuals to fill the position, and just the sight of a person will get motorists thinking and abiding.

I hope these ideas prove helpful in some way.

Robert LaPorta

8 Dover Circle, Newtown                    August 31, 2015

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