A tight and suspenseful production of a classic psychological thriller is currently in production at TheatreWorks New Milford under the direction of Keli Solomon.
Musicians Coatie Pop, Diamond Day, Lone Husky, Skeptrix, Fauskey Fox, and ATO performed at the Arctic Audio Showcase on Saturday, March 23, with partial proceeds to benefit Newtown Parks & Recreation.
Sixteen competitors spent up to 5½ hours focused on the two billiards tables at Newtown Senior Center when the Third Annual NSC Billiards Tournament was conducted.
This guy is all about spending other people's money. First a waste of time of a FOIA paper chase and now recommending the Borough Zoning Commission spend money on attorneys fees. Thankfully the webmaster of a Facebook group does not carry any weight with the Zoning Commission. I think I would support section 8 the whole 130 acres!
Potential administrative violations that would not have otherwise changed the end result. We'll all be able to thank Dave and his friends at NCC when the 8-30G applications get rammed down our throats.