Ann (Nancy) Rhodes, NP, and Lori Candela, ME, CPRC, invite readers to join them for a conversation designed to help them navigate with clarity, purpose, and confidence, next weekend at C.H. Booth Library.
Actor Anthony Edwards and author Stephen Mills will share their stories and discuss the incredibly difficult but important topic of preventing child sexual abuse and the stigma around male survivors in the next "Newtown Talks" program.
The theme of the 2024 Regional Hospice Newtown Giving Circle Breakfast was “It Takes A Village” and as Regional Hospice President and CEO ToniAnn Marchione said, the theme resonated with many in the room that morning because “that’s how we work at Regional Hospice.”
You don't just turn private property into open space. The town would have to purchase it, if the owner were willing to sell it. This is all getting pretty silly.,
Holly Kocet is pushing a false narrative. The facts simply don't bear out any negative impact to the traffic on Mt Pleasant Road. Saying it does , does not make it true. The road handles in excess of 40,000 trip a day. a couple hundred form Castle Hill is negatable.
The town historically has strong collaboration with developers, but the primary obstacle arises from community opposition exerting undue influence on the zoning department. This "NIMBY" pressure often leads to project rejections that exceed the department's actual jurisdiction or authority. Consequently, developers face a limited set of options: either engage in expensive legal battles or leverage the Connecticut Affordable Housing Land Use Appeals Procedure (CGS § 8-30g) as a recourse.