Students from Newtown High School’s College Application Prep Club recently visited Newtown Middle School to encourage students to start thinking about their futures.
Members of Board of Education’s (CFF) Subcommittee went over December's financial report and discussed transportation issues and the Newtown High School roof during their recent meeting.
False. This has been studied since Dan Rosenthal was First Selectman and every hauler simultaneously increased their rates. It is why the recycling stations were added to the transfer station, but was delayed pending the implementation of pay as you throw to discourage people simply putting it in the trash. Michelle knows this, she was on the LC at the time and part of the discussions which I can’t get into because it was in Exec Session.
Great letter, Nancy! I don’t understand why these rallies aren’t getting better coverage in print and on tv. They are happening all over the country and seem to be growing bigger and louder every week.
Ryan, As I stated in my letter, I am Newtown's representative to HRRA and have been for over 26 years. Jen Heaton Jones of HRRA is the expert in our region and is recognized statewide and nationally, that is where I get my information. You are the one who is mistaken and unfortunately gave Jeff faulty information in a report that he relied upon. You are citing national statistics, not what happens in our region. Our glass program is working for those who take it to the transfer station as requested, As I said in my letter, glass that is pit in bins does break and cause contamination and extra cost for cleaning at our materials recycling center, but once cleaned, 100% of the cleaned recyclables are recycled!
Where you speak about the delicate balance you missed another very important consideration that our town needs to balance, the property owner. The property owner has rights since the founding of this nation. As for the NIMBY's, I just wish the NIMBY's who never been vocal about an issue are honest about their intent. There is a tendency to hide behind the "greater good".
Sorry comment was sent before being finished
According to the Bee, our first selectman said the following. When asked why he did not vote on any of the additions, First Selectman Jeff Capeci explained it was due to parliamentary procedure, which stipulates he should only be casting votes if needed to break a tie. However reading the March minutes The First Selectman voted unanimously on numerous motions. So what is the rule votes on all motions or only on ties???