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School Board Hires An Interim NHS Assistant Principal



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The Board of Education unanimously appointed Reed Intermediate School physical education teacher Aaron Blank as Newtown High School interim assistant principal, at its meeting on August 15 .An expanded story on the Board of Education's August 15 meeting will be in the August 18 print edition of The Newtown Bee.

After accepting the resignation of former Superintendent of Schools Joseph V. Erardi, Jr, at its meeting on July 18, the Board of Education unanimously appointed NHS Principal Dr Lorrie Rodrigue to be the district's interim superintendent. With Dr Rodrigue's appointment as interim superintendent, the Board of Education held a special meeting on August 2 and voted unanimously to appoint NHS Assistant Principal David Roach to the position of interim Newtown High School principal, which left one of the high school's three assistant principal positions open.

"We have a new interim assistant principal," said Board of Education Chair Keith Alexander after the board voted to name Mr Blank as the interim assistant principal.

Following his appointment, Mr Blank shared his appreciation with the school board.

"I look forward to serving our community and our kids," said Mr Blank. "For the public that's here, and everyone that's here, just know that my door is always open. I would love to have any conversation with people that they would like to have."

Mr Roach said Mr Blank comes from Reed to NHS with a reputation of being a "solid" physical education teacher and he has shown the skills and qualities of an assistant principal.

"The only thing he was lacking was an opportunity," Mr Roach said, "and thank you for giving that to him."

Aaron Blank, center, was named as an interim assistant principal for Newtown High School at the Board of Education's August 15 meeting. Standing with him are Interim NHS Principal David Roach and Interim Superintendent of Schools Lorrie Rodrigue. (Bee Photo, Hallabeck)
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