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Proposed Development Does Not Reflect Opinions And Desires Of Community



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To the Editor:

I have been reading with great interest information regarding the proposed Hunter's Ridge development. The Newtown Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) reflects the opinions and desires of the community.

Good responsible planning and development are paramount. Once the land is gone it is gone; thoughtful planning and development decisions will keep the character of Newtown in alignment with the POCD.

I oppose the change of zone with regard to this proposed development for the following reasons:

To have two different zones opposite one another on the same street is impractical (look at surrounding towns to see the aftereffects) and will impact residential values; in real estate it is the location, location, location that helps determine property values. Ask any realtor. I have personally experienced this set of circumstances in the past.

The infrastructure of Newtown is such that it cannot meet the additional needs this development would impose upon the town (ex: fire, police, water, sewer constraints, traffic impact as well as educational community with additional students added to the rolls).

The developer is requesting parking for 726 vehicles. I am somewhat confused when their traffic study indicates that 193 new vehicles will be mobile for the morning commute.

If there are 224 rental apartments with two vehicles per apartment the math leads me to think 448 vehicles could be mobile for morning commutes, same for evening commutes plus possible customer vehicles traveling to and from the business complex plus delivery trucks, employee vehicles of the business portion of the development, school buses to transport students to and from each level of school (elementary, middle, and high schools) as well as service vehicles to and from the residential portion of the complex.

Given the traffic already on Church Hill Road in that area the math does not add up to the information they provided in the traffic study. Given the traffic issues already present in this area the additional traffic would be a burden on an already busy thoroughfare.

During the construction of said development given the amount of soil to be removed, there could be 5,000 dump trucks to remove the soil travelling up and down Walnut Tree Hill Road. Who will pay for the repairs necessary to the road after 5,000 dump trucks are finished with their work?

With all of the unrented business space available does it make sense to add more business space?

Space which could remain empty?

I ask the Planning and Zoning Commission to vote No to the change of zone.


Karen Martin

Osborne Hill Road, Sandy Hook     February 25, 2018

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