Daniel J. Grondal, beloved father, grandfather, uncle, and friend, passed away peacefully at his home on Candlewood Lake in Danbury on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, after an extended illness.
The family of Kerry Elizabeth Murray, 40, formerly of Newtown, Conn., is deeply saddened over her untimely death, on May 14, after struggles with addiction.
I agree, but we need to make sure they are pedestrian activated. The ones on Glover were supposed to be by order of the Police Commission, but the ones installed by Public Works were the cheaper flashing light. A couple of extra dollars are worth the lives it can save.
We have been doing the planning work. The State of Connecticut mandates every municipality to develop an affordable housing plan under C.G.S. §8-30j by June 1, 2022, to specify how they “intend to increase the number of affordable housing developments in the municipality.”
In lieu of all eighteen municipalities in the Western Connecticut Region duplicating efforts to research, document and analyze affordable housing, the Council of Governments decided to work collectively by splitting the work into two parts:
Regional Toolbox
Specific, Policy Driven Municipal Annexes.
Dolly! We have missed you so much since you left California & our work family at SBCEO Juvenile Community Court Schools! You are one fascinating woman! Love Debbie Diaz & Mike Ostini. PS-We got married 3 years ago!