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Letter of Endorsement



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To the Editor:

I am writing to express my support for Mary Ann Jacob for the Legislative Council. I have had the pleasure of knowing Mary Ann for the past six years and have always been impressed by her integrity, grace and commitment to service.

Both personally and professionally, she consistently focuses on seeking solutions for the common good of the community that balance passion with practicality. The challenge of our elected officials is to listen to their constituents – and do the best job possible to let their collective desires guide decisions. However, that does not mean appease those who scream the loudest. Too often, we accuse those that don’t do exactly what we want, when we want it, of being irresponsible or unproductive without understanding the full context and ramifications of a given decision.

Mary Ann frequently takes on the most sensitive issues, be it school enrollment or a firearms ordinance. These are divisive topics that require a steady-hand to facilitate debates to ensure constructive ideas are surfaced and palatable compromises may emerge. Leadership doesn’t mean changing someone’s stance on or if any school should/shouldn’t close or their beliefs on the role of government with respect to gun ownership. Too often, polarized opinions on both sides of these types of issues are riddled with emotions that distract attention, muffle facts and leave us stuck in our own wake. Leadership means accepting the reality of those differences, while finding a way to move our community forward together despite them. 

As chairman, Mary Ann led efforts to pass the last two budgets on the first vote – the first with a flat or no increase in taxes and the most recent with a reduction in taxes. Was every voter completely satisfied? Probably not. Some wanted deeper cuts; others wanted more generous funding, especially to education. As chairman, her job was to find the common ground that both sides could reasonably accept. And if you’ve lived in Newtown long enough, you’re no doubt familiar with our sad, if not comical, habit of paralyzing budget planning efforts with multiple voting rounds.

Whether it’s on the Legislative Council, through her experience in and around Sandy Hook Elementary or her involvement in cancer-support events such as Newtown’s Relay for Life – Mary Ann has emerged as a strong, reliable and consistent voice of reason in the face the most challenging circumstances. She has proven herself willing to listen, worthy to lead and deserved of our trust.

Aimee Tabor

44 Great Quarter Road, Sandy Hook         September 29, 2015

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