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Head O' Meadow Elementary Students Interview Local Senior Citizens



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As Head O' Meadow Elementary School Principal Barbara Gasparine explained to a group of visitors from the Senior Center in her school's cafetorium on Wednesday, March 29, they would be interviewed by second and fourth grade students. In a few weeks, she said, the students would be ready to present the seniors with "the story of your life."

According to Ms Gasparine, the visit was arranged for second grade teacher Sara Washicko's class and Abbey Clements's fourth grade class to meet with the local seniors. The lesson was designed for the second grade students as a writing lesson, and Ms Gasparine said the fourth grade students were there to help take notes as the second graders asked questions.

Each student had a list of prepared questions like, "What is your favorite memory from your childhood?" and "Did you have a favorite teacher?"

Ms Gasparine said the students practiced asking questions before meeting the seniors. The lesson, she said, gives the second and fourth grade students a chance to practice listening, speaking, and writing.

The students were divided into groups to interview the seniors. Each group gathered at a table in the school's cafetorium to speak with each other.

In a few weeks, Ms Gasparine told the group, the seniors will return to "see the end product" of the students' work.

Refreshments were also served as part of the visit, which was arranged with Senior Center Director Marilyn Place.

Head O' Meadow second grader Claire Smith asks Rena Dobrydnio a question on Wednesday, March 29, in the school's cafetorium. (Bee Photo, Hallabeck)
Phil Gross met Head O' Meadow fourth grader Caroline Murray, back, and second grader Eileen Celli, before the pair teamed up to ask him questions about his life. Mr Gross came prepared with a book he wrote about his life to share with the students. (Bee Photo, Hallabeck)
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