The Board of Education heard both an overview of district special education programs and a report on the district’s response to pending state reading mandates at its December 6 meeting.
Members of the Newtown High School Marching Band & Guard held its second annual Gift Wrapping Event December 10-11, and a third date is set for Sunday, December 18.
A local teacher has been sharing “an actual read across America” with her students, thanks to books she compiled for her classroom with support from an award from Newtown Allies for Change (NAFC).
With work on a new strategic plan for Newtown Public Schools underway, Superintendent of Schools Chris Melillo offered an update at the Board of Education’s most recent meeting.
Newtown resident and Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) senior Eirenie Athanasoulis reflected recently on a trip she took to Peru as a nursing student.
Newtown Public Schools Director of Visual and Performing Arts Michelle Hiscavich recently announced the upcoming performance events open to the community.
Dolly! We have missed you so much since you left California & our work family at SBCEO Juvenile Community Court Schools! You are one fascinating woman! Love Debbie Diaz & Mike Ostini. PS-We got married 3 years ago!
Some facts to consider.
A total of 40,00 trips a day take place on Rt 25, The Castle Hill project will add less than 1%.
Cluster homes are already an approved concept for the Borough, because it preserves open land and builds homes with sewer and public water. I'm Suggesting the Zoning Board should approve this because its a proposal that meets conservation goals and "checks" all the boxes.
How do you propose tapping the brakes, Dave? 8-30g already trumps any local regulations- you don't have a brake pedal to push. Brookfield, Trumbull and now Ridgefield have a clear case for a moratorium based on the development (thanks to 8-30g) that has already occurred. I don't see a clear case for Newtown to request a moratorium... yet.
Nobody is suggesting shutting the doors on new neighbors. What neighboring towns are doing, and what we should be doing too, is to tap the brakes on all of the multi-family residential development proposals so that we can spend 6 months updating our regulations such that if you want to build dense residential housing here, XX percent of it needs to be affordable (we will never make any headway on increasing our percentage of affordable housing otherwise, short of 8-30g), and the rest needs to be done in as low an impact manner as possible. Low impact on traffic, health & safety, the environment and on the cost of town services.