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Second Company Governor’s Horse Guard Annual Compost Drive
April 05, 2025 at 09:00 am
Start Time: 9:00 am || End Time: 1:00 PM

9 am-1 pm rain or shine (or while supplies last)

21 Old Farm Road (just past dog park)

$10 donation suggested for 1-5 buckets, $20 suggested for 6-10 buckets, $30 suggested for 11+ buckets, $100/small truckloads

Public invited to BYO containers and bags to collect and take home horse manure compost, an organic material that improves nutrient content of soil, its structure and its ability to retain moisture, weekly to April 26, all proceeds benefit all-volunteer state organized militia unit in service since 1808; 2ghgevents@gmail.com, facebook.com/2GHG1808.
