“Your Horses-Our Trails” 2GHG Spring Trail Ride

May 07, 2023 at 08:00 am
Start Time: 8:00 am || End Time: 11:00 AM
8-11:30 am, final riders will depart at 11:30, ride takes 60-90 minutes
Second Company Horse Guard grounds, 4 Trades Lane
Suggested donation $45 by May 3, $55 day of event, area riders invited for spring fundraiser within The Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal Sanctuary property and Enchanted Forest (60-90 minutes), no jumps or water crossings, optional NBLA Challenge Course will include series of “fun and exciting activities” (separate donation, payable May 7, proceeds to Newtown Bridle Lands Assn), raffle, helmets and current Coggins certificate required for all, age 18 and under must be accompanied by adult, proceeds benefit horse guard; 2GHGEvents@gmail.com, facebook.com/f2ghg.