Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street: Nutcracker Suite Ballet (12 and 2 pm), Cultural Entertainment & Confections, and starting point for Historic Trolley Tours
Trinity Episcopal Church, 36 Main Street: Edible Creations Competition and Festival of Trees
Booth Library, 25 Main Street: Children’s Activities
Newtown Hook & Ladder firehouse, 12 Church Hill Road: Superhero Academy
and Main Street: Outdoor Holiday Market & Stroll
Tickets $18 adults, $10 senior citizens and ages 2-12 if purchased by December 4, $22 and $14 day of festival, presented by and a benefit for Newtown Youth & Family Services; 203-270-4335, newtownyouthandfamilyservices.org.
Read more here: 2021 Holiday Festival Organizers Preparing For New And Returning Offerings