Annual Open House for Mary Hawley’s Birthday **CANCELED**

August 22, 2021 at 12:00 pm
Start Time: 12:00 pm || End Time: 7:00 PM
NOTE: Edmond Town Hall is closing at noon today, due to the approaching Tropical Storm Henri. All programs and events are canceled.
Edmond Town Hall (Mary Hawley Memorial Room), 45 Main Street
NOTE times have been updated (event was originally announced for 10 am-4 pm)
Public invited to visit meeting room immediately off lobby of former town hall building, where copies of Mary Hawley’s will and trust documents, and “Star of Gifts” painted by Michelle Rosenthal, will be on view to honor anniversary of Hawley’s birth, also memorabilia honoring late longtime ETH employee Francis Hidu, all welcome.
Read more here: Mary Hawley Open House To Feature Francis Hidu Memorabilia