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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Rally For Humanity
June 23, 2018 at 04:00 pm
Start Time: 4:00 pm

Rally For Humanity 4-6 pm Edmond Town Hall front courtyard (in gymnasium if rain) Rally to voice outrage against separation of immigrant families at US-Mexico border, speakers to include Rep Elizabeth Esty, Reverend Matthew Crebbin (Newtown Congregational Church), Dr John Woodall, Eman Beshtawi (Al Hedaya Islamic Center), Rabbi Shaul Praver, et al, also creation of banner of multicolored handprints, attendees asked to wear white ribbon to symbolize the innocence of children affected, also bring white ribbon to tie to tree branch or street lamp, coordinated in conjunction with Action Together Connecticut (similar events being planned across the state for weekend of June 23-24); 203-270-9659, atct.communications@gmail.com.   Read more here: Main Street Rally Saturday To Protest Parent-Child Separation Policy and here: Rally Protesting Parent-Child Separation Still On For Saturday Action Together Connecticut logo from FB page
