What exactly are you upset about?
As a taxpayer (not a taker) you should be furious that your tax dollars are going to everywhere and everywhere except America.
Imagine if you owned a business and every year someone came in and robbed your business until 2025. Enter Elon Musk, who is able to confirm and prove to you who the person is that keeps robbing you, would you go after the burglar or are you going to be upset at Elon?
Also, Trump ran on exactly what is taking place...the majority of we the people, voted for just that....there might even be a term for what that's called.
Speaking of garbage, the entire budget is garbage and should be thrown out, or recycled into something that creates less than the proposed 5% tax increase.
Thank you The Newtown Bee, While some have tried to politically suggest that The Board of Selectmen were adding over $800,000 to the budget, you have clarified that the budget is simply giving the Board of Finance and Legislative council the ability to weigh in on the Recycling Issue. If they had not added the recycling funds, the two other boards would have been prohibited from discussing the pro and cons as they would be forbidden from adding funds and in essence died the ability to discus the issue.
If the courts find no issue with Trump and Musk's actions, that means that they are legal. I'm curious if you were as concerned about Biden's student loan forgiveness programs which were found to be illegal by our federal court system, but were nonetheless pushed forward by the Biden administration.
Also, what specifically makes the DOGEies dodgy? Is it just that they are young?