Heat Wave Washes Over Region
Published: Jul 03, 2018 12:00 am
Summer's first heat wave hit a high point in town on Sunday, July 1, when temperatures climbed into the upper 90s - a scenario easily fixed with a trip to the beach.
Hundreds of footprints large and small filled the sand at Eichler's Cove during the weekend as parents and children set down towels and splashed into the water. The beach, boat launch, and marina is a town-owned facility at the end of Old Bridge Road, off of Great Quarter Road. Residents found a cool spot to spend the summer day and while many swam and played in Lake Zoar, boats and jet skis cut their distant wakes.
The beach at Eichler's Cove offered respite from high temperatures - nearly 100 degrees on Sunday, July 1, where many families gathered for a swim. -Bee Photo, Bobowick
Eichler's Cove marina, just past the town beach, is home to a number of rented slips where boat owners walk to and from their crafts all summer long. --Bee Photo, Bobowick
Eichler's Cove welcomed families for an afternoon of relief from the weekend's heat. --Bee Photo, Bobowick