Collaboration Will Be Essential for Newtown's Continued Recovery
To the Editor:
“The grant from the Department of Justice for the Newtown Recovery and Resiliency Team (RRT) is expiring at the end of 2015...Extended funding from this agency is not expected.” (paraphrased) [“Recovery And Resiliency Team Looks Back, Forward After Six Months,” Bee, 12/12/14.]
As an individual who cares greatly about the mental health and well-being of our community, this information in the most recent Bee is very disconcerting. I commend the Recovery and Resiliency Team, Town of Newtown departments and committees, nonprofit organizations and individual mental health professionals that have been providing support since 12/14 to those who suffer from trauma, depression and anxiety.
Yet, what happens at the end of 2015? What about those who continue to suffer in the years and decades ahead? Or, as is the case with trauma, become victims for the first time? Who will provide a central support network of available services and help people find the mental health/social service provider with the most suitable therapy approach?
The Bee article relates that other funding is being sought for future needs, but this problem goes well beyond funding. My hope is that the many organizations, agencies and individuals who have community mental health and counseling services as one of their mandates are already considering the formation of a collaborative to meet these ongoing needs. Beyond funding, it is imperative that there is a central location, as is the case now with the Recovery and Resiliency Team, which acts as a liaison between the providers and potential clients. The ongoing dissemination of information and communication is also critical. Fortunately, if the mental health providers take the necessary steps, something can be put into place to eliminate any gaps in community mental health support systems.
As Newtown RRT Community Outreach Liaison Melissa Glaser aptly states, "I hear a lot of people say, ‘Hey, it's been two years; things should be getting better.’ But experts tell us from a recovery standpoint, Newtown is in its infancy."
Sharon L. Cohen
8 Eden Hill Road, Newtown December 16, 2014