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*Support Local Talent: We have a nice selection of books written by local authors for sale at the library. There are titles for both young and old and all copies have been autographed.



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*Support Local Talent: We have a nice selection of books written by local authors for sale at the library. There are titles for both young and old and all copies have been autographed.


On Display

*Paula Brinkman Hughes, local artist, has created a colorful display of Art Dolls which have been featured in the Traveling Doll Project, an online group. Two of the dolls in the display are titled Ginny 1 and Ginny 2, after Newtown’s beloved Ginny Lathrop. From costumes once belonging to Ginny, Paula fashioned some of the elements of the dolls’ costumes, and they were further embellished in their travels from one artist to another. Please come and view this delightful presentation near the main floor circulation desk.

*On April 14, from noon to 4 pm, the Housatonic Model Yacht Club will have Radio Control Sailboats on display. These “mini yachts” were built by members and are sailed in competition on Thursdays (pm) and Sundays (am and pm) mid-April through mid-October at Hop Brook Lake, Middlebury. Members of the club will be on hand to answer questions and give a talk on the club



*Think BIG — Designing Bridges and Domes, Hands on Science with Laurie Borst: Explore the engineering behind the design and building of bridges, skyscrapers and domes. Workshops will be offered on Wednesdays, March 14, Building Bridges, grades 3–4, and March 28, Building Domes, grades 3–4, from 4 to 5 pm. A $3 material fee is due on the day of the program. Register online.

*Story time registration for 3–5-year-olds will take place March 21–31. Forms will be available at the children’s circulation desk. Children who are residents of Newtown and are at least 3 years of age on or before April 9 are eligible for one of the following story times: Monday at 10 or 1 pm, Tuesday at 10 am or 11 am, or Wednesday at 1 pm. We also offer a Sensory Story Time for ages 3–5 on Saturday mornings from 10:30 to 11:30 pm.


Programs For Adults

*Book Discussion: Nonfiction Book Group: Operation Mincemeat by Ben Macintyre on Tuesday, April 3, at 1 pm, in the Antiques Room; Evening Book Group: The Forgery of Venus by Michael Gruber on Thursday, March 15, at 7:30 pm, in the Old Board Room; Daytime Book Group: Red Leaves by Thomas Cook on Monday, March 12, at 1 pm, in the Antiques Room; Good Reads for Cold Nights: Digging for America by Ann Tyler on March 21, at 7:30 pm, in the Antiques Room.

*“From Oliver to David to Pip”: Mark Schenker, senior associate dean of Yale College, will give a survey of Dickens’ development as a novelist. The three-part series focuses on Oliver Twist, David Copperfield and Great Expectations as boy-centered novels that give insight into the early, middle and late phases of Dickens’ fiction writing career. The program dates are Thursdays, April 5 and April 26 and Wednesday, May 9, from 7 to 8 pm in the meeting room. Registration is recommended.

C.H. Booth Library is at 25 Main Street. Call 203-426-4533 or visit CHBoothLibrary.org for full details on or to register for the above programs as well as others that are being offered.

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