VBS Openings
VBS Openings
Newtownâs Ecumenical Vacation Bible School (VBS) still has openings for its 2012 session, which will meet this year at Newtown Congregational Church, 14 West Street, August 6â10. Sessions will run from 9 am until noon, Monday through Friday.
Cost is $25 for a familyâs first child, $20 for each additional child; families with financial hardships are strongly encouraged to contact VBS Director Linda Whippie, 203-448-6175, to find out about available aid.
All children are welcome. Members of Newtown Congregational, Newtown United Methodist, Trinity Episcopal, and St Rose of Lima churches will be participating, but membership in any of these churches is not needed for a family to enjoy VBS. This yearâs theme is âBabylon: Danielsâ Courage in Captivity.â
Call Mrs Whippie for additional information. Registration forms are available at churches, and online at www.NewtownCongregationalChurch.org.