Volunteers Repair Trail
Volunteers Repair Trail
To the Editor,
I would like to thank the following people: Mark Condry, Amy Dixon, Betsy Westerfield, Jackie Roth, Dee Davis, Sue Hamilton, Toby Tamblyn, Barb Gadosh, and Gary Gadosh for coming out on Mothers Day to spread wood chips. They donated their very precious time and contributed something back to the town of Newtown. These nine extraordinary folks helped spread 300 cubic yards of wood chips along the one half mile of the old cart trail inside Orchard Hill Park. As the day wore on the volunteers departed due to prior commitments those that left, departed feeling remorse because they couldnât stay to finish this huge undertaking. As our crew dwindled down to five people, and our three hour volunteer work turned into six hours. The crew pushed on to finish. Never once did anyone feel that this job was going to go unfinished.
In spite of the hard work; laughter, good will and camaraderie was had by all. We would like to thank the parents with the three small children who thanked us at the end of the day for all the hard work and complemented how nice the trail looked. Thatâs what itâs all about; good will, fun and community spirit.
A very special thank you is in order however to Newtown Electric. They donated the equipment to move the chips made the job much easier they even gave us a ride on the lift of the dump body.
I would like to express my gratitude to the volunteers summoned by the Newtown Bridle Lands assoc. and the perfect weather by the big Kahuna upstairs. Thank you everyone for giving your time so unselfishly. I would like to praise the families including mine who didnât see their mother/wife on Mothers Day.
This town is very lucky to have such dedicated volunteers. The trail came out beautifully and it is something the whole town can enjoy. Labor, donation of chips and equipment saved the taxpayers over forth-five hundred dollars.
Forever Grateful,
Cindy Fogliano
189 Brushy Hill Road                         May 15, 2000