Hope On Main Street Comes To Town
Gayle DiBenedetto and Chris Farrington, formerly active with Relay For Life in Newtown, are co-chairing a new event to raise money for the American Cancer Society.
Hope On Main Street will take place Saturday, September 7, in front of Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street in Newtown. The public event will kick off at 5:30 pm and include a special speaker, clergy, and bag pipes/music. Gifts will be handed out to cancer survivors and a walk down and back up Main Street will take place.
For a $10 donation, a luminary bag will be provided to be decorated and/or inscribed at the Hope On Main Street event with a special message to a cancer survivor, caregiver, or in memory of a loved one lost to cancer.
According to the co-chairs, “The intent is to have the luminary bags lit and flanking both sides of Main Street, starting at Edmond Town Hall, and hope to go as far down Main Street as we possibly can go.” Luminaries will remain lit until the early morning hours.
Volunteers are still sought to assist with planning Hope On Main Street. Organizational meetings will continue weekly, Tuesday evenings at 6 pm, at NYA Sports & Fitness Center, 4 Primrose Street, through September 3 .
E-mail Gayle DiBenedetto or Christopher Farrington at hopeonmainstreet@gmail.com to volunteer. For more information, visit Facebook.com/HopeOnMainStreet.
To donate, visit crowdrise.com. Organizers hope to raise $30,000.