Bid For Holiday Gift Baskets
Bid For Holiday
Gift Baskets
The HSYAB (High School Youth Advisory Board) has made gift baskets for the community to bid on just in time for the holidays.
Two silent auction baskets are currently located at the library, and one is at Newtown Savings Bank. The group also hopes to have one at Union Savings Bank and the high school, so keep your eyes open. Anyone wishing to bid may fill out a form and put it in the envelope located with each of the six baskets being auctioned off.
The baskets were put together by YAB members. Donations for the baskets came from Lexington Gardens, Starbucks, Clairol, and Lyndt Chocolate in Southbury. So if you have waited until the last minute to find that special gift, one of these gift baskets could finish off your holiday shopping.
 On December 18, HSYAB members present each basket to the highest bidder. The silent auction will benefit the scholarship given each year by YAB to a student who is involved with community service. For more information, contact Youth Services at 270-4335.