First-Hand Knowledge
First-Hand Knowledge
To the Editor:
I must respond to Mr Gibneyâs letter of last week questioning my knowledge and first-hand account of atrocities committed by Iraqi forces. When I say I have first-hand knowledge that is exactly what I mean. Yes, Mr Gibney, I know first-hand of the Iraqi woman who was beaten, raped, and later died in jail.
As to how I have first-hand knowledge I do not believe that I can discuss that with anyone who does not have the appropriate security clearance as well as a need to know. Like so many other in the armed forces I took an oath to not disclose classified information. To the best of my knowledge the information you want for corroboration remains classified.
I intend to uphold the oath I took and I will take the information along with much other classified information to my grave. Let me say this in clear terms: the government of Saddam Hussein has and continues to destroy the people of Iraq if they in any way protest or work against his desired end. He proved his willingness to use weapons of mass destruction in his war against Iran, he has done so with entire towns in Iraq. Given the chance what thinking person could image him not using such means again?
The cease-fire documents the Iraq government signed in 1991 spell out that force will be used should the terms not be met. In the years after that instrument was signed President Clinton had more sorties flown against Iraq to destroy weapons and other military installations that violated the agreement than were flown in the entire Gulf War. Why do you think he did that? The answer is simple, the terms of the agreement were not being upheld ââ they continue to be broken. UN 1441 and an authorization by Congress plus UN 360 (1990) all authorize the use of force against Iraq.
Brian Gibney should be glad he lives in the land of the free because if we were in Iraq his letters would have entitled him (and probably his entire family) to a prison cell, of course without a trial fair or otherwise.
Yours truly,
R.P. Gottmeier
Colonel, USAR (Retired)
13 Antler Pine Road, Sandy Hook                              March 28, 2003