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HPV Talk Set At New Milford Hospital



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HPV Talk Set At New Milford Hospital

NEW MILFORD — On Monday, April 16, from 6:45 to 8:30 pm, gynecologist John Sussman, MD, and pediatrician Kristi Beck, MD, present a community health forum entitled “HPV (Virus & Vaccination) — What Young Women & Parents Should Know” at New Milford Hospital’s Robison Conference Room.

With all the mixed messages from the media, parents and young women are truly concerned and confused about the facts regarding the HPV virus and the vaccination now available. Questions asked include: What is HPV? How is it transmitted? Why should young women get the vaccination? What is involved in the vaccination process?

Join Dr Sussman and Dr Beck as they provide an in-depth explanation of what young women and parents should know about the virus and the vaccination. Their presentation will answer those questions mentioned and more. A question-and-answer period will also take place following the lecture.

This program is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. Preregistration is requested by calling 860-350-7215 or on the hospital’s website, www.newmilfordhospital.org.

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