Making A Difference
Making A Difference
To the Editor:
The American Cancer Society has an opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of residents of the greater Danbury area who are facing cancer. To take full advantage of it, we need the support of the entire community.
Cancer treatments today work better than ever, but for many area residents, especially those in Newtown and Ridgefield, just getting to the treatment can be a problem. A patient receiving radiation therapy may need to travel to the hospital every day for up to six weeks. Someone receiving chemotherapy may need weekly treatments for as long as a year. Temporary side-effects can make patients feel too sick to drive themselves or to take public transportation. For those without a car or without family living close by, this lack of transportation may mean missing the treatments that could save their lives.
The American Cancer Society has a need for volunteers for its Road to Recovery driver program. We need greater Danbury residents with a car and some time available weekdays between 9 am and 5 pm to step forward and help out. If you can spare as little as one morning or afternoon each week, you could be making a significant difference in the life of one of your neighbors who is facing cancer.
If you can help out in this way, please call the American Cancer Society at 800-889-3340 (press 3). The American Cancer Society will provide orientation, support materials, and other assistance. In return, youâll be providing local cancer patients with the help they need to travel the Road to Recovery.
Cathy Mitchell
Greater Danbury Road to Recovery Coordinator
American Cancer Society
49 Twin Oaks, New Milford                                     December 4, 2007