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Lawmakers Prescribing Lower Drug Costs



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Lawmakers Prescribing

Lower Drug Costs

HARTFORD (AP) — Lawmakers say they ha’ve found a way to save needy senior citizens more money on prescription drugs, but not cost the state any more cash.

The proposal, included in the Democrats’ $18.4 billion budget plan, would focus on senior citizens and disabled people on the state’s ConnPACE drug plan who also qualify for federal Medicare benefits. It would enable them to qualify for special benefits, such as lower monthly premiums for medications and other health expenses.

Under ConnPACE, the co-pay for a drug is $16.25. But under this plan, it could drop to $2.25 for a generic and $5.60 for a brand name medication.

Thousands of people in the state could save hundreds of dollars, or possibly thousands of dollars a year, lawmakers say. Vermont and Maine have a similar arrangement.

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