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Half Truths And Outright Falsehoods



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Half Truths And Outright Falsehoods

To the Editor:

I am compelled to respond to Bruce Walczak’s letter (September 26 Letter Hive). Like his IPN cronies who attack anyone disagreeing with their agenda, Mr Walczak’s attack letter of half truths, and outright falsehoods, accused me of “playing politics with our children,” which is an outrageous lie.

I have a long record of supporting children, education, and the Newtown schools. I served 14 years on the Board of Education, over three years as chair. We renovated and expanded five schools. As first selectman, I supported construction of the Reed School. I represented Newtown on our regional education service center, Education Connection, for 13 years, ten years as chairman.

Last week Dr Robinson, superintendent of schools, asked me to serve on a strategic planning committee. I agreed to volunteer my time to help. I also have two grandchildren in the Newtown schools and another one to follow.

I do have concerns about the mismanagement and $6 million overrun of the high school project, which I have publicly expressed. Three Board of Finance members who voted No and some who voted Yes, however, have expressed concerns, as have three Legislative Council members who voted No and some who voted Yes, merely to send it for the voters to decide. While I voted to send the $6 million appropriation to an October 7 referendum, authorized by the council (I also did with $38.8 million appropriation last April), it was with grave reservations. I think we should rebid some aspects of the project to try to get savings. I am concerned about moving ahead now, with the liquidity crisis in the financial markets. What will the municipal bond market be when we have to borrow to fund the project; how high will our interest rate be?

There is another lie in his letter. I never suggested that the town/school office project was “perfectly managed.” I said we worked hard in the design and preconstruction phases to control costs and the project bids came in essentially on target, which they did, contrary to his false assertions. A new roof was not part of the cost estimates. It was bid as an alternate and the price came in as estimated. Construction managers and other experts asserted that it is not necessary to replace the entire roof, it should have years of useful life remaining. The cost of parking for the town and school offices and utility connections were included in the project. The $3.5 million he referred to is not related to the office project, it is for demolition of Greenwich House and construction of parking for the Newtown Youth Academy, a new playing field and the future recreation/senior center. There are no “secret leases.”

I believe that Mr Walczak’s accusations are either because he has grown tired of wreaking havoc on the Police Commission and wants to run for the Board of Selectman, or he is still angry at me for not reappointing him to the Economic Development Commission.


Herb Rosenthal

70 Main Street, Newtown                                     September 30, 2008

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