Local Camera Club To Host New England Competition
Flagpole Photographers Camera Club will sponsor its first New England Camera Club Council (NECCC) Fall Competition for Digital Projected Images on Thursday, November 20, at C.H. Booth Library.
NECCC is made up of over 80 camera clubs located in Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Vermont. The club hosts a series of interclub competitions in the fall, winter and spring.
The competition will be for electronic pictorial image open and electronic nature images. Camera clubs throughout New England participate in this competition. Flagpole Photographers Camera Club will be sponsoring the Fall 2014 event, the first in NECCC’s 2014-15 schedule.
The public is welcome to join to view compelling images from New England camera clubs.
Light refreshments will be served. The scoring will start at 7:30 pm, and there is no charge to attend.
The event will be in the community room of C.H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street.
For additional information email flagpolephotographers@yahoo.com or visit FlagpolePhotographers.com.