An Attitude Of Entitlement
An Attitude Of Entitlement
To the Editor:
Following up on George Schmidtâs and Daniel Kormanikâs letters to The Newtown Bee, June 15, 2012, succinctly: No increase in property taxes. No increase in educationâs share. No decrease in the municipalityâs share. No to uncivil behavior at council and/or board meetings. Yes to fairness, to realities, to common sense.
That said, it seems that there is a prevailing parental attitude of entitlement when it comes to childrenâs participation in our communities, to be defended at all costs in behavior and dollars, at all times, in all ways: no give or take, in other words. This mentality is exhibited by the inappropriate, undeserved behavior directed at the elected volunteers in public meetings, and it is unacceptable.
Another indicator of this thinking might also be the early morning takeover of all the parking spaces convenient to Caraluzziâs two entrances by vehicles belonging to families accompanying a Hawley School field trip. All perimeter parking, left, right, and rear was unused. Where was the courtesy or common sense in this instance? No consideration for Caraluzziâs customers, vendors, or commerce.
By the way, thank you Newtown Highway Department crews for the top-flight corrections to upper Hanover Road. Smooth and safe.
Elizabeth Lincoln
34 Echo Valley Road, Newtown                                     June 20, 2012