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Killing Deer Is Not The Solution



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Killing Deer

Is Not The Solution

To the Editor:

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the unjustified proposal of killing more deer in Newtown, as well as our town joining the FCMDMA [Fairfield County Municipal Deer Management Alliance].

I have been a resident of Newtown since 1983, and my house is surrounded by many acres of woods. These woods have always been a sanctuary for many woodland animals, as well as many hiking and horseback riding trails for our residents and their families to enjoy. 

Over the years, I have encountered an occasional hunter on these trails, and once had a shotgun pointed at my horse, which was almost mistaken for a deer. Last year, a badly wounded deer, maimed by a careless hunter, staggered into our yard and collapsed into our pond to drown.

If the town allows the proposal of increased hunting rights, I am distraught to think of these incidents becoming all too common.

I am also concerned for the safety of our residents, their children, and family pets.

Killing deer does not reduce their numbers. The remaining deer benefit from the extra food supply and will begin to produce more deer. The extra food supply will attract new deer from neighboring areas, and potentially larger animals like moose and bear.

Lyme disease is a concern for everyone. But killing deer is not the solution.

Kathy Camputaro

237 Hattertown Road, Newtown                             December 7, 2008

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