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Washington Is Corrupt And Dysfunctional



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Washington Is Corrupt

And Dysfunctional

To the Editor:

Back in 2006, President Obama stated, “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government’s reckless fiscal policies.” For the past three years, he has run America on borrowed money. “We the people” cannot allow this “welfare president” to turn America into a “welfare nation.” When our politicians choose to use debt to spread the wealth...eventually everything will go bust.

During his campaign he promised “change.” The only change I see is more government expenditures. The spending issues are out of control. Most of these so called expenditures are “entitlements,” or should I say handouts? These are recurring expenses and will have no return on investment. America is a land of equal opportunity, not equal results.

Income equality is a socialist state. The tremendous burden placed on future generations by the President and Congress is immoral. People become the victims of entitlement through government policy. “We the people” need to ask ourselves who we want to align ourselves with, people who make a living by asking for handouts or people who work for a living?

The 111th Congress, led by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, accumulated more new debt than what was accumulated by the first 100 Congresses combined. He is trying to implement these socialist programs without having a way to pay for them. Our government is a disgrace. How about protecting our own states and citizens instead of suing them to protect illegals? How about securing our own borders? How about the trillions wasted on bailouts, Solyndra, cash for clunkers, and the list goes on. Stop rewarding people for bad behavior. It is time for criminal prosecution of the systematic fraud and perjury that has been committed by Wall Street and the Banksters. Where is the accountability? Washington is corrupt and dysfunctional.

If “we the people” begin to weed out those that are smart enough to know this country is seriously headed in the wrong direction, what you have left is an imbalance. Too many people are still sitting in the wagon while the rest of us pull it. For our government to continue subsidizing this unsustainable behavior will only lead to disaster because there isn’t enough money in the piggy bank! The President declared, “I didn’t come here to pass our problems on to the next president or the next generation — I’m here to solve them.” Enough said! One term too many! Vote them all out in November.

Rich Narel

18 Philo Curtis Road, Sandy Hook                        February 14, 2012

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