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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Newtown Needs Mitch Bolinsky



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To the Editor:

I have to tell you, I sat in the Town Hall last night at the candidates debate, and Mitch Bolinsky made all sorts of good points. He deserves another term as state rep from the 106th district in Newtown.

I like the working man, I am one myself, and you cannot blame the state workers for taking what the Democrats have given them, but Mitch showed there is a way to be fair to the taxpayer, too. His plan is for all retired workers to keep the pensions they have earned, no cut. The current workers will keep the pensions they earned up to now, but Connecticut needs to convert from a pension to a contribution plan like a 401k. Contributions can be negotiated. Then all new hires will have the contributions plan and not a pension that we just cannot afford any longer.

Mitch made several other good points, like the state needs to get out of the way of business trying to locate and expand. The state should stop overregulating everything and should cut red tape. All I heard from the opposition was support for the status quo. I ask you, if we have the status quo and a $4.5 billion deficit over the next two years, how would we pay for it except for more taxes out of our pockets?

Newtown needs Mitch Bolinsky in Hartford.


Dennis Bloom

25 Philo Curtis Road, Sandy Hook          October 24, 2018

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