Girl Scout Council Honors Its Leaders
Girl Scout Council Honors Its Leaders
To the Editor:
How does one train a young girl to form good values, make informed decisions, and have the courage to stick by them? One answer lies in Girl Scouting and the troop leaders who work with girls to bring out their potential, make them strong, and help them enjoy the process.
These leaders â second mothers, adult friends, and role models for the younger girls â are committed to making the Girl Scout experience possible for girls in the 15 towns and cities served by the Girl Scout Council of Southwestern Connecticut. These volunteers have busy lives, family, other volunteer work, or a job, yet they make time to work with almost 9,000 young girls in Fairfield County for the good of the girls and the communities in which the girls live.
These leaders undergo extensive training to help girls succeed and to insure that the Girl Scout experience is safe and relevant â from first aid and CPR to conflict resolution techniques, outdoor camping, and other skills. As girls move in level training in the Girl Scout program, so do their leaders. Without troop leaders, Girl Scouting simply would not be possible! Because these volunteers are so crucial, April 22 is set aside each year as Girl Scout Leaderâs Day.
I hope anyone who knows a Girl Scout troop leader, trainer, board member, or service unit volunteer will thank them by card, call, or in person. Think of what life would be like without Girl Scouting and its influence on girls and their communities, and recognize that it is our volunteers who make this positive program possible. This council proudly declares a very public thank you to the more than 2,100 Girl Scout Troop Leaders and other volunteers who make this councilâs work a most effective reality.
Susanne D. Kuligowski
Chief Executive Officer
Girl Scout Council of Southwestern Connecticut
529 Danbury Road, Wilton                                          April 19, 2004