Out Of SpaceÂ
Out Of SpaceÂ
To the Editor:
This morning, several seniors were turned away from the Senior Center exercise class, due to lack of space. Not only is the parking lot overcrowded, but space in the Senior Center is inadequate for the popular activities available every day for seniors.
Just who are these seniors who are waiting for years, perhaps decades for a new Senior Center, one that will accommodate their needs?
They are not simply people older than you are.
Seniors are valued volunteers in the schools and churches.
They are volunteer drivers for Meals On Wheels and FISH.
Many seniors are helping to raise grandchildren.
Some of them serve on various town boards and commissions.
The time is long past to move forward on a the construction of a new Senior Center!
Louise Leduc Zierzow
1 Alder Lane, Sandy Hook                                        February 6, 2012