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CHICAGO, ILL. -- From February 6 to March 12, Frederick Baker, Inc., will
present the graphic work of John Copley and Ethel Gabain, who, as husband and
wife, produced some of the first modern images in British printmaking and
brought new life to the medium.
The couple met at the Central School of Art, where they began making
lithographs in 1906. Both artists were interested in modern life as subjects
and produced images of theater, domestic life, cafes and the street.
Gabain was French-born and many of her works have a French intimacy,
especially her women and interiors. Copley's work at times exhibits an Italian
influence. They turned to etching around 1926; both were fine draftsmen and
excelled in composition and the handling of light.
The Baker exhibit of 85 etchings and lithographs is the first in Chicago since
that of the Albert Roullier Gallery in 1924.
The gallery, at 1230 West Jackson Boulevard, is open 9 am to 5 pm Monday
through Friday. For information, 312/243-2980.