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AUGUST 9, 1974
First Selectman Frank DeLucia and Road Superintendent Edward Napier are on
vacation this week, but when they return to their desks they are going to find
a heap of complaints waiting for them from the employees of the town's public
works department. Some 15 employees of the highway department and landfill
workers picked up signs reading "Town of Newtown Unfair" and picketed in front
of Edmond Town Hall for over an hour on Tuesday afternoon. The men are all
members of the union chapter formed four months ago, local R217 of the
National Association of Government Employees. John Butler, an equipment
operator for the highway department, who is president of the local union, told
the press that negotiations for establishing a contract with the town are at a
standstill after three months.
The appointment of Elsie Ryan as Postmaster of Hawleyville has been announced
by Northeast Regional Postmaster General William F. Bolger. The official
appointment became effective July 20, 1974. Mrs Ryan is the wife of Robert E.
Ryan, Newtown's Assessor. Mr and Mrs Ryan have lived in the Hawleyville
section for the past 28 years.
A few weeks ago Democratic Town Committee chairman Jack Rosenthal, acting at
the behest of his committee members, had an article in The Bee challenging
Republican Town Committee chairman Clifford Bulmer to field a team for a
softball game on Labor Day, September 2, at the town park, as part of the
Summer Festival. Obviously, it will shape up as a real partisan battle, but
Mr. Rosenthal has not yet heard from his Republican counterpart. Come on, GOP!
It is "not an unusual practice," says the First Selectman; "It's a lousy
practice," says the Board of Finance vice chairman; "I was never told about
it," says the Democratic selectman. "It" is the question raised at last
Thursday's meeting of the Board of Selectmen about whether a bridge repair
job, done in one fiscal year, should be paid for in the next fiscal year.
First Selectman Frank DeLucia thinks it was acceptable practice. Jack
Rosenthal, as a Board of Finance member, and Selectman Gerald Frawley do not.
The bridge in question is located on Mile Hill Road. It was damaged last
October by a tractor trailer truck and the repair job was awarded to local
contractor Frank Lyon, the low bidder, by the insurance company.
The Summer Festival co-chairmen have announced that Richard D. Hibbard will be
honorary marshal of Newtown's Annual Labor Day Parade. Mr Hibbard has lived in
Newtown since 1942. From 1949 to 1963 he owned the "Flagpole Fountain" in the
Chase Building on Main Street and now owns The Smoke Shop.
Newtown's inland-wetland regulations have been informally approved by the
State Department of Environmental Protection, Conservation Commission chairman
Theodore Whippie has learned in a letter from Atty Samuel Chambliss of Easton.
Mr Chambliss said that he had received a call from DEP saying that the
regulations were approved without change and that official notification would
On Tuesday, August 13, the Planning and Zoning Commission will have a public
hearing at 8 pm in the gymnasium of the Edmond Town Hall relating to the Town
using the former Stefanko property on Philo Curtis Road for a town garage. The
Stefanko property is town-owned but a special exception must be sought in
order to build the garage since the property is in a residential zone. The
garage and accompanying outdoor storage area for public works equipment is
proposed for a 10.311 section on the land, with access by two rights-of-way
from Philo Curtis.
An architect has been chosen to design the 40 unit elderly housing project
proposed for Nunnawauk Road by Newtown Housing for the Elderly Inc. Richard P.
Donahoe of Sherman was picked out of the seven candidates from all over the
state to design a low-rent apartment complex for elderly citizens on 20 acres
of land promised by Fairfield Hills Hospital.
AUGUST 12, 1949
Extension of the time limit for completion of the reappraisal of all taxable
property in Newtown from August 1 to September 1 has been asked for and
received by E.T. Wilkins and Associates and the New England Survey Service,
Inc., who are doing the work. The extension is given largely because of the
great amount of detailed research needed in covering the properties, mostly
subdivision lots, in the Lake Zoar area. These extend all the way from Shady
Rest in the Riverside district to the Great Quarter district near the eastern
limit of the town, held mostly for summer use. Many owners can be reached on
the properties only at weekends.
Plans for the coming season of the Newtown Parent Teacher Association got
under way this week with a meeting of the Executive Board on Monday night. The
first meeting is to be held at Hawley school on Tuesday, September 20. Vincent
P. Gaffney and the new teacher of Home Economics will organize an exhibition
of agricultural and homemaking products by Newtown children.
Robert Ryan of Hawleyville was elected chairman of the Newtown combined fire
companies at the quarterly meeting held Monday evening of this week in
Hawleyville. Mr Ryan, who will hold this office for the ensuing year, will
select his own secretary in the near future.
Townspeople gathered in the Newtown Congregational church at 2 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon to pay their respects to the memory of the late George W.
Trull, a member of the firm of Knapp, Trull and Meyers, whose death occurred
just before noon on Monday. The service, as conducted by the Rev Paul Lynn,
was simple and eloquent, as was the committal service later at the Newtown
Village cemetery. The Rev Mr Lynn was pastor of the local church during the
war years, while the regular minister, the Rev Paul A. Cullens, was on leave
of absence serving as chaplain with the armed forces overseas. It was during
this period that Mr Trull came to Newtown, when in 1942 he formed a
partnership with Albert J. Knapp to operate a combined grocery and meat market
on Newtown's Main street.
The Newtown Visiting Nurse Association, Inc, will open its annual campaign for
funds to support its program of community health and personal nursing service
on Friday, August 19. Mrs Ellis Gladwin, president, has announced that Miss
Katherine Kirby will again be chairman of the campaign. Assisting her this
year will be Mrs Renwick M. Brown, Mrs James Brunot and Mrs Dale E. MacKenzie.
More than 400 persons from 15 towns, members of the Housatonic Valley Clean
Waters League, condemned the inaction of town officials in curbing pollution
of Lake Zoar and other valley waters at a meeting held last Friday evening in
Edmond Town Hall gymnasium. The two-year-old group elected a board of
directors to lead the fight to clean up the Western Connecticut lakes and
streams, explained the purposes of the organization and presented resolutions
in protest of the "inaction of officials."
AUGUST 8, 1924
Just 90 members of the Church School of the Congregational church journeyed by
auto to Lake Quassapaug Friday for the annual picnic of the school. Dinner was
served in the pavilion, under the direction of Mrs Arthus Stowe, Mrs A.W.
Reynolds and others. The sports for the young people were under the direction
of Rev G.H. Ekins. In the afternoon came a ball game between nines,
representing the single men and married men, when the latter were beaten with
the score of 22-5. Married Men: F. H. Duncombe, C.; Rev G. H. Ekins, P.;
Walter Reynolds, 1st b.; J.J. Northrop, 2b.; Sanford Mead, 3b.; A.W. Reynolds,
C.F.; A.P. Smith, L.F.; W.R. Turner, R.F.; Frederick Crouch, S.S. Single men.
Bill Perry, C.; Frank Hopkins, Jr, P.; Willis Arndt, 1st b.; Sanford Mead,
2b.; Fred Mead, 3b.; Charles Phillips, S.S.; Wilson Reynolds, RF.; Lawrence
Reynolds, L.F.; Donald Mead, C.F.