FOI Workshop Open To Public
Learn about the Freedom of Information Act, Tuesday, February 13, at 7 pm, in the Council Chambers of the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Fairfield Hills.
The FOI Commission conducts workshops around the state helping citizens and officials understand their rights and their obligations under the FOI Act.
Thomas A. Hennick, public information officer from the Freedom of Information Commission, will speak.
Hear an overview of Freedom of Information Act requirements including:
*Types of meetings.
*What "groups" fall under FOI regulations?
*Meeting notice requirements.
*Filing of meeting minutes.
*When to enter executive session; who can be included; what can be discussed; what action can be taken? How to identify executive session on the Agenda? What is the motion to go into Executive session?
*Requests for public records.
There will be a questions and answers portion of the evening.
All department heads, board and commission members, and members of the public are encouraged to attend this free workshop.
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