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A Wonderful Experience



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A Wonderful Experience

To the Editor:

Congratulations to all of the outstanding candidates who have been elected to serve on the Legislative Council, representing District 3a and 3b. Serve the district and town well. I know you will. Congratulations to Herb, Joe, and Bill. Your team has done an outstanding job over the past four years, and now has the opportunity to continue to work together for the next two years, helping to lead Newtown into the 21st Century. Congratulations to all of the other fine candidates who have been elected in District 1 and 2, especially Mike Iassogna and Joe Hemingway. Great job!

Thank you to everyone who supported my candidacy and showed enough confidence in me, to vote for me on Election Day. Although I was not elected to serve on the Legislative Council, I will continue to support quality education in our school system and will support the efforts of the Legislative Council, first selectman and Board of Selectman.

Thank you to everyone who helped with my campaign: Pat DuBois, Lisa Petrovich, Mary Pat Frobey, Steve and Gabriel Gleason, Deb Malin, Ann LoBosco, Jackie Chard, Michelle Finkenstadt, Suzanne Cappiello, Kathy Lombard, Joe, Maribeth, Sarah and Maggie Hemingway, my wife Sharon, my daughters Alexandra and Alyssa, and especially my campaign manager Eric D’Eramo. A special thanks to Suzanne D’Eramo for all of her help and for sharing her husband with me for the past two months.

The past two months have been a wonderful experience, and hopefully the new friends that I have made on the campaign trail, and at those weekly meetings at the Democratic Town Committee Headquarters will last for a long time. In an effort not to forget anyone, I want to thank Earl J. Smith Jr, the entire Democratic Town Committee and all of the volunteers who served the Democratic candidates well. Additionally, I need to thank all of my friends who supported me through their encouragement, phone calls, donations, or by attending my fundraiser cocktail party at the Fireside. Thank You…Thank You…Thank You.


Gene Vetrano

Former Democratic Candidate for

 Legislative Council District 3a and 3 b

6 Camelot Crest, Sandy Hook                                     November 13, 2001

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