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CWU To Host October 2 Bible Study



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CWU To Host October 2 Bible Study

Church Women United-Newtown will offer a bible study on Friday, October 2, from 9:30 to 11:30 am, at Newtown Congregational Church, 14 West Street.

Linda Manganaro will lead the study, which is a lead-in Church Women United’s upcoming celebration of World Community Day in November. The theme for that celebration will be “Piecing Earth Together.” Details will be coming in October regarding that event.

“In our Bible Study we will be mindful of that covenant as we study the creation story as found in passages from Genesis 1 and 2. God created all the Earth and it is our responsibility to care for the Earth and the plants and the animals and each other,” said Mrs Manganaro. “All life is interrelated and dependent on other life. The psalmist said ‘The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it…. ‘[Psalm 24:1]. We are stewards and not owners.”

Through group discussion Mrs Manganaro and participants will explore how life is all connected and how all can be good stewards of creation.

“We will investigate ways how each of us, individually, can help preserve the planet,” she said.

Church Women Unity has a policy statement on safeguarding the health of the Earth and the integrity of creation, which Mrs Manganaro is using to help plan for Friday’s session:

“We human beings have reached a point in our evolution where we have the power to decide whether the planet Earth will live or die … if life on the planet is to continue, we will need to change our way of thinking and acting,” the statement reads.

“How we view our relationship to the Earth and all the members of the Earth community will greatly influence the future. We did not weave the web of life. We are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves! How we interpret God’s intention for the Earth informs our responsibility now and in the future.

“We members of Church Women United are being called upon to recommit ourselves to the covenant relationship with Yahweh, sisters and brothers, and creation. In covenanting, we accept responsibility for each other, the Earth, and the whole of creation. We covenant to respect and love differences, uniqueness, and community.”

It is important for people to care for themselves.

“We will find ways to nourish our souls, and then we will have the strength and the desire to reach out and connect with others in saving God’s beautiful creation,” said Mrs Manganaro.

For additional information contact Linda Manganaro at 426-3496 or Newtown Congregational Church at 426-9024.

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