Protecting Pets Against Rabies
Protecting Pets Against Rabies
To the Editor:
Last Saturday we held our 18th annual Low Cost Anti-Rabies Clinic in Newtown. We vaccinated approximately 118 cats and dogs. The clinic was made possible by a local veterinarian, Dr Brian Silverlieb of Mt Pleasant Hospital for Animals and his assistants, Terry Predzimirski and Darryl Silverlieb ââ both of whom donated their time and service ââ my very special thanks to each of them.
I would also like to extend many thanks to the following volunteers from the Newtown Womanâs Club, who for the 11th year assisted at the clinic ââ Marilyn Alexander, Pat Denlinger, Ellyn Gehrett, Mary Ruffles, Carol Stottle, and Lorraine VanderWende. Special thanks also go to George Mattegat, Newtownâs dog warden, and Stephen Dworkin who donated their time to help with the animal control. Thanks also go to Sharon Bartolotta who was there representing the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Association. Susan Shpunt, Blithe Dotson, and Carol Mayhew from the town clerkâs office, were also on hand and issued the new 2003 dog licenses.
Thanks again to all who helped to make this annual clinic a success.
Cynthia S. Simon
Town Clark
45 Main Street, Newtown                                                 June 9, 2003