Rep Hovey Joins Leadership Of National Organization
Rep Hovey Joins Leadership Of National Organization
 On Thursday, January 3, State Representative DebraLee Hovey (R-Monroe, Newtown) was sworn in as secretary of the national Women In Government organization during a state directors conference in Phoenix, Ariz. Rep Hovey has served previously as treasurer of the organization, and as a member of the organization since she was first elected State Representative in 2002.
 Women In Government is a national 501(c)(3), nonprofit, bipartisan organization of women state legislators providing leadership opportunities, networking, expert forums, and educational resources to address and resolve complex public policy issues.
âTo be elected to a leadership role in a national, bipartisan organization that provides women legislators information on initiatives that improve the quality of life for everyone is a thrill,â said Rep Hovey. âI look forward to the responsibilities the position brings.â