The Key To Success
The Key To Success
To the Editor:
We all know how much work goes into the Rooster Run/Walk every year. There are many behind the scene tasks that need to be accomplished to complete all the details leading up to the day of the race.
This race would not take place if it were not for Karen Finlayson, owner of Karenâs Fitness Studio. Most of the runners/walkers do not have to worry about the race, other than showing up and doing their best. Karen does all the worrying for everyone.
It is an amazing task and Karen performs it with ease. When sign-up sheets appear in the studio to help volunteer for the Rooster Run, the clients put their name down to help out. The studio acts as a second family when it comes down to it! This is because of Karenâs caring and loving attitude toward all of her clients.
It is because of her and her family that the Rooster Run/Walk runs so smoothly. We owe much gratitude to Karen for taking on this tremendous task for the past three years.
We thank you Karen for your encouragement, leadership, and support. Once again you outdid yourself and we are all proud to be associated with you and the studio.
On behalf of all the clients of Karenâs Fitness Studio
Marsha Moskowitz
8 Roosevelt Drive, Newtown                                             June 7, 2004