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Newtown Hikers Announce Winter Schedule



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Newtown Hikers Announce Winter Schedule

Newtown Hikers have finished planning their weekly hiking events for the winter season, which will begin on Saturday, Januaryuary 3. The group hosts hikes each Saturday morning around the region.

Anyone interested in joining a hike should be in the lower parking lot of Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, by 10 am.

Newtown Hikers is an open group welcoming anyone interested in hiking and the outdoors. There is no membership fee.

Hikers participate at their own risk and must sign a release for the Newtown Parks & Recreation Department before they can participate.

Hikes are moderate and last three to five hours. plus driving time unless otherwise stated. Children are welcome accompanied by adults.

Bring lunch and beverages. Sturdy shoes or boots are recommended; dress for the weather.

Dates and locations for the fall are as follows, with the names of each week’s hike leader in parentheses. Hikers should check with the listed leader of each hike for hike details, weather cancellations and/or schedule changes. Also, if you want to meet the group at a different point, contact the hike leader:

January 3, Southbury Land Trust, moderate hike (leader Pat Callan, 264-2153);

January 10, Whittle More Sanctuary, Woodbury, medium hike (leader Tim Hanbury, 203-888-3025);

January 17, Silver Sands Beach Walk, Milford, easy hike (Ray Falk, 203-520-3793);

January 24, Flanders Nature Center, Woodbury, easy hike (Ildiko Gramling, 203-263-0086);

January 31, Seaside Park, Bridgeport, easy hike (Evelyn Schonberg, 426-0425);

February 7, Rockefeller Park, Tarrytown, N.Y, easy hike (Nancy Ziegler, 203-732-2618);

February 14, Bear Mountain, Danbury, medium hike, short (Molly Schleis, 914-945-2996)

February 21, Monroe Bike Trail – snowshoe, cross country, easy hike (Rita Qubick, 268-4119);

February 28, Lake Mohegan, Fairfield, easy hike (Ray Falk, 203-520-3793);

March 7, Lovers Leap State Park, New Milford,  medium (Tim Hanbury, 203-888-3025);

March 14, Sherwood Island State Park, Westport, easy (Ildiko Gramling, 263-0086);

March 21, Huntington State Park, Redding, easy hike (Louann Chevalier, 426-2072);

March 28, short hike at Richter Park, Danbury,  followed by a pot luck lunch and spring schedule planning (hike leader is Carol Fullman, 270-1747; lunch host and food coordinator is Susan Gabriele, 775-8236).

For further information contact Ester Nichols, 788-1398 or pilgrim555@charter.net, or Newtown Parks & Recreation Department at 270-4340.

To receive the hiking schedules all year, send an e-mail request to Ms Nichols or send $3 with name and mailing address to Ms Nichols, 14 Pilgrim Lane, Sandy Hook CT 06482.

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