Police Seek Nearly $4 Million In 2008-09 Budget
Police Seek Nearly $4 Million In 2008-09 Budget
By Andrew Gorosko
In its proposed budget for the 2008-09 fiscal year, the Police Commission is seeking $3.97 million in funds, reflecting a 7.65 percent spending increase over the current budget of $3.68 million.
In a budget document approved by the Police Commission on December 4, the agency is seeking $3,972,117 for the fiscal year starting next July 1, compared to its current budget of $3,689,542.
The largest funding category in the proposed spending package represents the payroll for sworn personnel, which is proposed at a level of $2,867,593, reflecting a 4.86 percent spending increase over the current $2,734,665 level.
That category covers all sworn police personnel, except the police chief and captain, who are covered under separate contracts.
The $2.86 million sum would cover contractual payroll requirements including the pay step increases of officers, longevity pay, educational degree incentives, and holiday pay.
The Police Commission is not seeking to increase in the police departmentâs complement of officers. The agency is authorized to have up to 47 sworn officers on its roster.
The commission is seeking to increase the police chiefâs pay by 3.5 percent, raising it to an annual salary of $94,502. The commission also recommends increasing the captainâs pay by 3.5 percent to a salary of $86,365.
By percentage, proposed large spending increases would come in the areas of computer operations and capital costs.
The Police Commission proposes increasing the computer operations budget category from the current $72,800 to $120,695, reflecting more than a 65 percent spending increase in that category.
In an explanatory note to the Police Commission, Police Chief Michael Kehoe explains that the increase would be due mainly to upgrading the police departmentâs computer system. The spending proposal reflects costs associated the departmentâs networked computers, including maintenance, licensing fees, and consulting expenses. The spending proposal includes licensing fees for the departmentâs portable computers that are installed in patrol cars.
In the area of capital expenses, the commission is seeking $113,000, an almost 128 percent spending increase in that category.
Among spending items in that category, the commission proposes $16,000 for replacement portable computers for police patrol cars, $12,000 for replacement radar units, $25,000 for an improved voice recorder system at the police station, which records telephone calls.
The commission is seeking $40,000 to buy new electronic speed display signs, which would be positioned in various locations in town to inform motorists of their travel speed compared to the posted speed limit.
The Police Commission also is seeking $20,000 to hire a traffic engineer on a consulting basis, to provide the panel with technical aid in reviewing traffic documents. The commission is the local traffic authority.
Also, police are seeking $93,000 for replacement police cars.
The budget proposal will be submitted for review and possible changes by the Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance, and Legislative Council. Voters at the annual town budget referendum next spring would act on the overall town spending proposal for fiscal 2008-09.