Keep Moving Forward
Keep Moving Forward
To the Editor:
Last week the Fetzer Democratic campaign published letters critical of Bruce Walczak, the IPN candidate for first selectman. I have observed Mr Walczak over the last 15 years as a neighbor and voter. He is exactly the kind of leader Newtown needs, and needs now.
Mr Walczak had the leadership and the strength to identify serious weaknesses in the Police Commission in 2007. He wrote letters in his attempt to educate the public on the issues. He shook things up during the election by letting people know what he believed was wrong and what he would do if elected to change things.
I watched what he did, attended some Police Commission meetings, and read The Bee articles and minutes. Mr Walczak did exactly what he said he would do. He has worked collaboratively with the other elected members; he has helped elevate the commission to new levels of performance and has encouraged the commission to become proactive on issues in Newtown, not reactive and passive.
The minutes of the Police Commission show Mr Walczak to be highly participative, cooperative, and above all anxious to guide the commission to become engaged in the issues facing the department and the community. The results speak for themselves. The âNew Police Commission,â with the unanimous vote of the commissioners, established a vigorous process for the chief, an exit interview for officers leaving the department, a more vigorous traffic enforcement effort, a set of procedures for traffic calming and speed bumps, and a more open environment for citizen participation. Last week, according to an article in The Newtown Bee, the Police Commission set a new standard of performance by taking a leadership role with the exploration of a âsexual predator ordinance.â
In two years Mr Walczak identified weaknesses in the commissionâs performance, got elected with almost 3,000 votes, worked with the commission to become reenergized, posted a list of accomplishments, and has helped raise the commission to a higher level of performance.
Sounds like the kind of leadership Newtown wants and needs. Letâs not go back to the way things were before the IPN as the Fetzer campaign manager suggested last week; letâs keep moving forward with Mr Walczak providing the leadership.
Paul Morris
15 Glover Avenue, Newtown                                      August 26, 2009