To the Editor:
To the Editor:
Throughout my 33 years of teaching at Newtown High School I have had the privilege of teaching many exceptional students. Chris LaRocque is one of the finest. As a student in my class during his sophomore and junior years he was hardworking, always strived to do his best, and was a team player in the classroom. He is one of the most respectful students I have known.
During his senior year, when he was no longer in my class, he was a frequent visitor to my study halls. Even after he graduated, I could count on Chris to stop at school at least once a year to chat. I was happy to see that Chris retained his fine traits, but it was during these conversations that I learned of Chrisâs other exceptional qualities. He has a passion and dedication for whatever project he is working on. He is a caring and compassionate individual who has a sense of fairness and a maturity beyond his years.
He often expressed his desire to return to Newtown to give back and to make it a better place to live. I am confident that Chris will carry the above traits he has demonstrated throughout his life into a successful and results-oriented position on the Legislative Council. His commitment to serving his fellow citizens and improving Newtown for the future will quickly be seen.
It is for these reasons that I wholeheartedly support Chris as a Republican candidate for the Legislative Council in District 2.
Ava Chervansky
10 Arrowhead Lane, Huntington                           October 14, 2009